Reporting & Metrics

Summary Dashboard

DomainGuard's summary dashboard provides you with a high level overview of threats facing your domain.

  • Trend analysis to show how domain threats affect your organization over time.
  • Approved domains and vendors to allow for easy distinction between trusted and untrusted domains.
  • Takedown status including a count of sites taken down, pending takedowns, and threats which have not yet been taken down.
  • Lookalike domain breakdown by risk rating so you can quickly see active threats impacting your organization.

Identify Environment Trends

DomainGuard learns about your environment by categorizing domains into approved and lookalike domains, and creating an asset inventory.

See where your domains are purchased, infrastucture is hosted, and what technologies are in use.

Compare your approved environment to lookalike infrastructure created by attackers.

Identify vendor inconsistencies and rogue infrastructure that may have been forgotten about.


Don't Let Certificates Expire

Quickly view your active and soon to expire certificates through an intuitive interface.

Identify vendor inconsistencies among certificate issuers. Are your employees using a standard procedure or are certificate decisions made ad-hoc?

Create notifications to notify you or your team when certificates are approaching the expiration date.

Export table to quickly share information with internal teams.

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Domain Threat Assessment

See real threats related to your domain.

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Catch phishing and fraud at inception.

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